
Can a illegal immegrant use our justice system?

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I know of a woman who is here illegally and she is taking her ex to court for child support and custody. The ex is also illegal, the child is a Us citizen. How can someone who is not a citizen of the US use our court system ?

She is also getting free medical and food coupons from wic. I don't get it....




  1. There is a law in USA. and no 1 is above. what are u saying , let them use their law in the USA ???

    once ur on american soil u follow us rules.

  2. Yes they can use the legal system also illega immigrants can report to the police any crime.

  3. That is one of the big reasons they come here, for all the free stuff. The court also will have to provide an interpreter for her. isn't that nice. I live in California and see stuff like this every day. Close up the borders, deport those that are here illegally, find the companies that hire them and quit making it soooo easy for illegals to live here such as make everything in English only, including hospitals. I could go on, but what's the use. Too many bleeding hearts here want the illegals to stay and have more rights then the citizens. It just stinks!

  4. Yes, anyone can use the justice system.  Even "enemy combatants" imprisoned in Guantanamo Bay can sue the government or another party.  

    The 14th amendment guarantees every "person" due process of law.

  5. Anybody who is in the United States falls under the legal jurisdiction of the United States unless they have diplomatic immunity. That is why we have illegals incarcerated in our penal system; they were convicted of breaking our laws. They have legal protections as well; you can not murder an illegal, you can not rob or defraud or enslave somebody simply because they are undocumented. Undocumented or illegal immigrants do not have the right to break our laws either and our justice system will deal with them harshly if they do.

  6. No she will not have access to the court system. There is either more to the story than you know or two more illegals are about to be deported.

  7. This man and woman are taking money from your table. It is your duty (if you are an American Citizen) to turn them in to ICE. These types are breaking our Government. DO YOUR DUTY!!!

  8. Oh, no. They will put both in the tank and hang them

  9. if you didnt know terrorists in Guantanamo Bay can use our legal system now....America isn't for Americans anymore

  10. the mom obviously cant work here legally so



    I can assure you that except for pregnancy she IS NOT getting free medical...THE CHILD HOWEVER IS ENTITLED TO MEDICAL ATTENTION WHENEVER HE NEEDS IT

  11. If they paid for the lawyer why should you care??? That's not using your tax dollars!!! Why must you assume?

  12. If he promises to return it.

  13. Of course she expects it to be free with everything else. They do have some mooching syndrome about them!

  14. You must be living in a sanctuary state like CA; not all states are generous with illegal aliens. Isn't it idiotic that we give birthright citizenship to the children of illegal aliens? You should report this woman to ICE, she is a leech on the American taxpayer.

    ICE Phone Number: (866) 347-2423.     Report her employer here:                                                                                                

  15. well it states that if a baby is immigrant baby is born over the border it is a citizen, and the mother is included in that deal.

  16. how do you know she's getting free medical and food stamps? unless your really into there lives or just making it up.

    but to answer your question, yes, illegals can use our justice system...they don't ask for your s.s in courts.

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