
Can a judge give jail time to someone with medical needs beyond what the jail can offer?

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Can a judge give jail time to someone with medical needs beyond what the jail can offer?




  1. Yes they can, if they couldn't every criminal in America would have something wrong with them that the jail could not handle.

    Look at the mob bosses of the 70's, they went to court on oxygen, in wheel chairs unable to stand to be sentenced, the judge didn't care and passed out time like he was passing out candy on Halloween. John Gotti died in Marion IL. He was sicker than I ever hope to see my worst enemy.

    Try the insanity defense, it might work better.

  2. no the punishment would go to their care taker.

  3. Judges are the most powerful people in America.  They can do what to whom and when with out any chance for recourse.

    Yes they will find a place to put someone with an illness.

  4. while many jails have the medical supplies needed doesn't mean the prisoner gets it.  I have heard of guards withholding drugs such as insulin from people they didn't like.  It is called torture.  you don't have to go to a foreign country to be tortured.

    the guards take out their frustrations and hatred for prisoners by witholding meds, food, and by the way not everyone in prison is guilty of serious crimes.  we are becoming inudated with petty crimes laws. I mean a cop arrests someone because he wouldn't show his id, when he was not committing a crime, and then charges him with obstruting justice or resisting arrest? what kind of c**p is that? Sounds like guilty until proven innocent to me.

    And let's not forget frame ups happen more than we care to acknowledge. There are alot of innocent people in prison.



  5. There are no medical needs beyond what jails offer.

    Need new dentures..commit a crime

    Need Open Heart surgery...go to jaill

    Taxpayers provide whatever healthcare criminals need thanks to the Fed

  6. Back in the 1970s an AWOL Marine killed his girlfriend, then tried to take his own life. He only wounded himself and also blinded himself in the attempt at suicide when he severed his optic nerves with the bullet. He was discharged from the Marines without disability because the act which disabled him was the result of his own misconduct. After he was found guilty of murder, the civilian judge sent him to Chino Prison for life without parole.

    And that's just one case I personally know of. Yes, you can go to the joint, your condition notwithstanding.

  7. YES.

  8. Gosh, I sure hope so.  But the down side is we pay.....we always pay.  These guys in jail get alot of benefits, and America pays for the crime, and pays for the benefits.  

    Probably, we need to chop off some hands?

  9. Yep, should have thought of that before you broke the law!

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