
Can a karate chop to the neck actually kill someone?

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Can it kill or just knock someone out? And if you use it on someone, how long will it take for that person to wake up?




  1. Hi there

    Simply put!

    Ask your instructor. Its not the sort of thing that should be discussed on here.

    Best wishes


  2. I would put this in the possible but not likley category.  Delivering enough energy to actually break the spinal chord or cause major vascular trauma is not easy.  Knocking someone out by a blow to the neck would probably be more difficult than killing them with a blow to the neck.  Most knockout blows are dilivered to the side of the head causing lateral rotation of the skull.  Recover form a knockout can take seconds to days depending on the severity of the damage to the brain.

  3. Any blow can kill someone, however lets examine some of the areas you may aim for with this strike the trachea, and the cartoid, so yes one by cutiing off the flow of blood to the brain the other one by removing your ability to breath completly, if you choke someone out using either of these two point you will put someone to sleep rather quickly, so striking these point are way worse IMHO, also its not that easy to hit this area in a fight ( it can be done well if you know what you are doing)

    (children do not try this at home)

  4. It would kill them if you knock their head off.

  5. Yes I you are a strong enough and fast enough to break through concrete blocks. It would be possible to break a neck and severe the spinal cord enough to shut down someone heart.

  6. It takes good speed, power, and snap to kill with a strike like that to the neck and some people do develop those things to a level to do it.  The strike is not a power strike or blow per say like a punch or kick is so the person's ability to deliver it with the speed necessary to snap the spinal cord is critical.  Still even a somewhat slower one delivered can most definitly hurt someone as well as knock them out for a few minutes.

  7. odds have it that even if its possible you couldn't do it...

  8. iI wouldn't be easy, the strike would have to land on an exact place on the neck and be used with enough power to cause severe trauma. If you just knock someone out that really depends on how hard you can hit, it could be a few seconds or it could be when they wake up in the hospital.

  9. Doubt it would kill anyone.  At best it will knock them down for a few seconds.

  10. yes it very well can because is a major artery in your neck

  11. Some supreme masters can kill people with such blows, but not just anyone can for certain. I am a giant powerlifter and martial artist with the strength of several normal men and much skill from years of practice, so I can probably do it. I have broken jaws, but I do not want to kill anyone. Still, even light blows have killed weak people. I read that a child grabbed an old woman's neck and killed her accidentally. I have jabbed fingertips into the carotid artery to stun people, but this can kill them too, so I only do it to healthy young men. Recovery time varies depending upon the strength, etc. of the person who receives such a blow. Do not risk it, until you know for certain exactly how to do it.

  12. yes        idk

  13. Any strikes to areas like the collar bone area ( clavicle ), throat ( Trachea ) , base of neck ( Upper Cervical Spine ) are all potentially deadly strikes.  These strikes have been elimnated from all contact sports in America, including the UFC, because of their potential to seriously injure and/or possibly even be fatal if used by trained students in contact sports as well as self-defense martial arts.  I would have to say, "Never strike a person's neck period".  These areas should always be off limits unless you're looking to be thrown in jail for the rest of your life.  As far as them waking up from such a dangerous strike to their neck, they may not wake up at all....why take such a risk when the chin and any area of the face or head are just as good as any targets for a "knock out".  All that makes a "Knock out" any way is when the brain bonuces off of the inside of the skull which shorts it out long enough for unconsciousness to occur.  It's kind of like a an electrical system being temporarily kocked out by a storm. I would stay completely away from striking some one to the neck period though man.

  14. It's possible. I have personally used chops to the base of the skull to stun people. Never seen anyone die from it, but im sure it has happened.

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