
Can a kid whos really young like 8-10 get charged or arrested?

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I know a boy whos like 8 who stole his parents car and was driving around. lol. But nothing happned to him.




  1. I don't know about anywhere else but in Australia if you are under 10 you cannot be held criminally responsible.

  2. They can arrest and charge anyone of just about any age for anything.

    Usually it's the parents that pay for the minors actions.

  3. Most states will not criminally charge someone with a felony unless they are age 10 or over. It varies from state to state.  

  4. he can.  5 year olds can be taken in for murder.  that 8 year old that you "know" is a douche bag who will continue to break the law.  sad.

  5. .  It is possible for an arrest for 8 years old.

  6. Why wasn't this kid better raised?  Nothing will happen to him, but his parents would be in a lot of trouble if he'd have hit someone's car.

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