
Can a king or queen be executed?

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Like, if a king or queen murders the other, or a royal title, could they be executed? I'm writing a novel on this, and it ends with the Queen being executed. I'm just wondering if that could happen?




  1. not today. that happened a lonnnggg time ago, but yes - they could be executed.

  2. Of course.  Look at the French revolution, the English Civil War(s) etc etc.   It of course depends on the laws at the time of course.  In the case of King Charles I of England I think he was found guilty of treason which is a capital offence and punishable by death.

  3. uhhh marie antionette? King louie?

  4. Yes, and it's happened before...

  5. legally speaking...:P

    a high royalty is subject to the laws of their land.  If the law states boldly that the king or queen can not be brought up on charges while in reign or office or in residency or what have you in that country, then they can't be, but you can right rather feel confident that no one would give them the chance to do it again.

    There is rumor that the Royal Surgeon was responsible for the Jack the Ripper murders.  If that as indeed the cas it would hold good sway as to why the findings were never made public or revealed.  Too much scandal.  The Royals would handle the matter "inhouse".

    most of the time though, if a member of a royal house does commit a serious crime, they are punished....but not in the same manner as everyday citizens.  Rather like how celebrities can get home arrest for drunk driving when noncelebrities are arrested and held in jail and then sentenced and forced to complete the sentence.  (ahem Paris Hilton)

    But I will assure you that if the Royal person, blantantly and purposefully set out on a mass murder, kill 'em all romp in the middle of daytime downtown London.  There would be serious repricussions on a public scale.

  6. it has happened several times in British history, and at least once in French and Russian History

  7. It happened many times throughout history, usually under the charge of alleged treason.

    I doubt it can happen today as most monarchs (in Europe at least) usually avoid showing a strong opinion about any matter. Unless they do it and cover it up as an accident, like the rumors of conspiracy theories denying the death of the Princess of Wales, Lady Diana Spencer was an accident.

    However, you might find writing material in the current dispute between Vittorio Emanuele, Duke of Savoy (last crown prince of Italy) and  Prince Amedeo of Savoy, Duke of Aosta who on July 6, 2006 claimed the headship of the House of Savoy.

    There has been incidents of public accusations, arrests and violent behavior in public between the 2 of them:

    during  the wedding of Felipe, King Juan Carlos I of Spain's son and heir to the  throne, Vittorio Emanuele punched the Duke of Aosta in the face, twice (May-2004).

  8. I hope you're using an English grammar book. To answer your question, not now, but history confirms that they were executed. Surprised you had to ask.

  9. Hmmm - Queen Anne Boleyn - King Charles?????

  10. Yes The Tudors show that The King had several Queens Beheaded. King Louis the IV was executed by his Peers.

    Kings was killed by there children, after the king allowed the Church to have power, the church had the power to kill the king if evidence was found or if the king was doing something Illegal.

  11. Yes they can.

  12. Yes they can. They might be royalty but they are not above law.

  13. Geeez you dont know much about British histroy do you....

  14. yes, both kings and queens have been throughout history

  15. If you are writing a novel then it doesn't matter. You can make it happen. :)

  16. Yes, Marie Antoinette and King Louis were prime examples. But, it was probably for a good cause. They were not very intelligent.

  17. Yes. It is possible if the law states so. There is/are a blue-blood(s) that have been executed by the people or another royal in England and France. Maybe somewhere else too.

  18. yes it can

  19. Yep: Anne Boleyn, Catherine Howard (although she was never crowned queen), Mary Queen of Scots, Charles I, Marie Antoinette (although she was never actually crowned queen), her husband King Louis, Czar Nicholas II and his family, etc.  It's called regicide.  I'm a big history buff, especially about the Tudor Era (lots of executions back then) so contact me if you want to talk!

  20. yes during the french revaluation i think ya once the type of gov. (estates general) fell their was a period of time called Reign of Terror triggered by King Louis XVI(killed) poor leadership and bankruptcy of France

  21. Certainly, there's plenty of historical examples, like Queen Mary of Scots.

  22. It's been done before-for less than the act of murder. Marie Antoinette was executed (beheaded) for a dietary faux pas by her French constituents. (she told them to eat cake).

  23. yea. Anne Boleyn

  24. Henry the eighth killed ann boleyn and she was queen. Mary queen of scots was executed aswell.

  25. Most of the places where royalty exists do no have the death penalty anymore.


    On June 1, 2001 the crown prince of Nepal went insane and shot and killed 9 people and injured 5 others. One of the people killed was his father, the king. Afterwards he shot himself, but did not immediately die. He was still proclaimed king in his coma, and had a three day rule. Nepal recently terminated the monarchy and become a repulbic.


    Several English monarchs have been murdered, or rumoured to have been murdered, but only one was executed (Charles I). Queen consorts have been executed. Henry VIII executed two of his wives.

  26. It depends on when your novel takes place. In modern day it wouldn't happen. Although in some countries it's possible in industrialized countries like England they wouldn't. However if you go back in time then Mary Queen of Scots, King Charles the second and third, Ann Bolyn (although she wasn't technically queen) and etc... There were assasination attemps on Queen Elizebeth the first and she would prob have been killed if the Spanish Armada succeded.

  27. Death penalty ain't so popular anymore I've heard...

    But it used to happen a lot that someone with a high standing would be excecuted for "the right reasons"

  28. Yes, depends on what time your novel is set in.  Several kings and queens were executed one of the more notible ones was Mary Queen of Scotts.

    Also Charles I was excuted on Jaunary 30, 1649.  I included a link for you that talks all about the execution of Charles I.  Hope this helps and good luck with your novel.

  29. There's always a reason when someone is executed. Make it a really interesting reason so that the story will be that much better.

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