
Can a kx85 ride on a supercross type track and still make all the jumps that a 250 would do?

by Guest66980  |  earlier

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Can a kx85 ride on a supercross type track and still make all the jumps that a 250 would do?




  1. no. the tracks that pro riders race on are made for bigger bikes. Sure you can try them, but dont be disappointed if you cant clear all the jumps. The 85cc machine just does not make the power of a 250......

  2. With the right rider, definitely. I have seen 85 riders clear 110' triples, but it will be harder for them than if they were on a 250 obviously, but yes an 85 with a very good rider can clear about anything on the track.

  3. well you'd have to be pinned, fender riding on the triples and the smaler wheels of the 85 wouldn't take the whoops to well. so to answer your question. no

  4. deffinetly not

  5. They can ride it but won't make the same distance that a 250cc will in all cases.  My son does supercross in the 85cc section and the Junior Lites section and what he can make on a 250cc is not necessarily what he can do on the 85cc.  The suspension setup has to be different for supercross to motocross.  Sometimes instead of doing a jump as a triple they may have to do a double and a single. This is especially the case if the jumps are out of a corner as the 85cc does not have the power.  It also depends upon the particular supercross track

  6. yes it will but you won't go as high. you also have to be on the throttle hard.

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