
Can a landlord do this??

by  |  earlier

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I am currently renting a house. I pay rent every month, on time. I have never missed a month, and I am not behind on any rent. I called my landlord almost two weeks ago to tell him that we had a gas leak at the heater in the house. I have called the local gas department three times in the past two years of living there for the same thing. They tell me that it's not in the lines so therefore it's the owner's responsibility. So, the landlord came and looked at it and said that he was going to turn the valve off. We still smell the gas, so we called him again. He said he will get someone to fix it. It's been two weeks. The smell is causing me to have severe headaches, and I am worried about my two young children, and our dog. What should I do? Isn't he responsible for fixing this in a timely manner considering it could be very dangerous?




  1. First, get out!  If you are becoming ill, you need to attend to that.  You can charge him for the hotel room if he doesn't fix the problem within a reasonable amount of time.  Personally, I would consider a gas leak to be an emergency situation because it can cause bodily harm or death.  I am not a lawyer, so it's just my opinion.  If your and your children's health is at risk, you need to deal with that now.  You should also notify him that you are going to a hotel until he gets it fixed bc it is making you sick.  Let hin know he is going to need to pay for that since it hasn't been taken care of in a reasonable amount of time, and the nature is very dangerous.  If you can, notify him by certified mail.  I would do this in addition to calling him.  If you have to take him to court to recover the hotel expenses, then you can prove you have notified him and the gas company and done your part. Additionally, you will show how serious it was by leaving.

  2. Check your lease and county and state code.  This could be an immediate threat to your safety.  Also, document the days you contacted him and send written notice.  Your county should have a number to call to ask this question.  Since you have internet, look them up.  

  3. You should check out your lease as to if it states a exact time frame for maintenance.. if its not in there.. then you should probably check online for renters rights.. ? good luck!

  4. Yes. Call city building inspector. He should inspect it or call your landlord.

  5. call the local landlord tenancy board they will make him fix it asap if not he is required to put you up in a hotel until it is fixed.

  6. Why in heavens are you still there?  For your kids sake as well as your own, go to a motel, friends or relatives house.  The house could blow up with any spark.  GET OUT NOW!!!!

    Then call the fire dept as suggested and have it tagged.  Also, have the gas to the home shut off (if you pay it).

    Document everything. And dont call the landlord, write to him (paper trail).  In it state that you have called him numerous times about this leak, that you are not paying the rent as you have had to remove yourselves due to unsafe conditions.  Call city inspectors or building inspectors and get them to inspect.

    Take your kids and yourself to the doctors to be checked (blood tests) and the dog to the vet.  You are being poisened.  All your health is being effected.

    And yes he is responsible for repairs and 2 weeks is unexceptable.  He should have taken care of immediately.  He obviously dont care about the health and safety of his tenants.  I would also give him a 30 day notice that you are moving out permanently.  Call a local or your church for help.  They can usually get you resituated.

    This is the type of landlord that makes us all look bad.

  7. If you suspect a gas leak call either the gas company or the fire department. They will red tag the heater and force the landlord to take action.

    A gas leak is serious business.

    Do you,by chance, have a carbon monoxide detector in the house? I highly suggest that you get one that plugs in with battery back up.

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