
Can a landlord evict you if you have a party on the last day of your lease?

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We want to have a party on the last night of our old apartment, but we don't want them to try to evict us or anything like that.




  1. PARTY ON!

    who cares if they try to evict you, the contract is practically over so there is no reason to make a big thing about it.

    Why are you worried about being evicted? You said the party would be the last night you living there so if they go say something, just pack up the party and go elsewhere. lol

    My opinion, party on.

    In order to file you guys for eviction it would take weeks. So you should be out of the house before any of that really happened.

  2. An Eviction order is granted to kick tenants out legally which would take a period of time from the time making an application in court/tribunal. If it were the last day of your lease AND you're moving out soon, there is no need for that.

    You are more likely to see the Police knocking on your door, if you don't keep the noise down after 10pm. Police would tell you to keep quiet, and would most likely to check your ID. Unless the party goes crazy, or use drugs, you guys would not be in trouble.

    Why not start the party early, tell your neighbors about the party, invite them to come, ask them to tolelate you for just that night, and start to keep it down from 9:30pm. If your neighbor don't call the police, you'll be fine.

    Being considerate is important. Your previous landlord is important referee in your future house hunting/renting. Stay away from bad record means your future would not be adversely affected by silly things you have done in the past.

  3. it will be moot as far as eviction goes, but if you want to see your security deposit, or avoid other civil or criminal matters, maybe that is not a good idea.

    but it depends - I once, not twice in separate states now that I think about it - attended parties where the house was going to be torn down after the people moved out the next day, so it was anything goes.

    Once for a highway coming in, and the other to rebuild a new house I think, in case you are wondering...

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