
Can a landlord put a lock box on the door to show the home for sale?

by  |  earlier

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we are renting a house and recieved a phone call from a real estate agent that the home was being put on the market for sale no notice by landlords




  1. .  Yes he can.  And you can buy one of those hotel locks ( a chain) that stop anyone from coming in with the key in that lockbox.

    I was renting a house and came home to a For Sale sign in my front door.  The landlord said later "I guess i forgot to tell you".  It was horrible.  Agents trooping thru like they owned my house.

    Your lease (if you have one) protects you. You can't be moved out by the new owner.  Many buyers will offer you $5,000 cash and 1 months free rent.  WOuld you accept that?

    You have the legal right to require all agents to give you 48 hour written notice before every showing. That is not a joke. That is the law.  Or you can smile and let them barge in. It's up to you.

  2. Well, the unfortunate thing is, if she wants to sell it she can, without notice to you.  But, out of common courtesy, she should have told you.  Also, it is common practice to put a lock box on doors of properties for sale.  It eliminates Realtors having to chase keys down to show an apartment or house.  They should give you 24-hour notice before showing your unit.  If they don't, and come to your door and want to enter, I wouldn't let them in.  If you do this too often though, the owner will get mad because you may be turning away potential buyers, and they will start not believing you when you say you didn't receive notice.  

  3. As long as you still have access they can.  However if they sell the house the new owners would have to either buy you out of your contract of let you finish it.  If they try to kick you out then you have rights to sue if you wanted.  Good luck!!

  4. A landlord can most certainly have the realtor put a lockbox on a house for sale .....

    Usually; the required notice is 24 hours .

    If I were you; I'd begin looking for another home NOW .....

  5. yes they can, they have to give you notice before they show the home.  The amount of time will depend on the laws on your area.

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