
Can a laundrymat pay less than the mininum wage ? My salary is $150.00 a week for 48hrs?

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I work at a laundrymat as an attendant and receive tips from drop off services. I am paid $150.00 per week for 48 hours of work .This is less than the mininum wage . Is this legal in Alabama? Am I being underpaid? I know a resturant can pay a waitress $2.13 an hour and is legal in doing that.Can my employer get by this legally? I need your advise. Thank You




  1. If you live in a right to work state you have no leg to stand on.  If Alabama is a union state then maybe you can expect more.  48 hours of work in a union state require that you also get health benefits because it is a full time job beyond the forty hour week.  As for the tips, that I cannot help you.  If you can get into the state's labor rules maybe you can find out more about your rights as a worker.  Good luck.

  2. Check with U.S. Department of Labor or your State Comptroller.

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