
Can a lawyer represent his biological daughter and grandson in a child support hearing ? Conflict of Interest

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Or does this present a conflict of interest? TY




  1. Yes, you know them the best and should. It isn't against the law.

  2. No, a lawyer is always suppose to have the best interest of his client in mind.  Therefore it is OK to represent a child in court. It would be a conflict of interest for him to offer to represent someone he didn't want to provide with the best representation possible.  Example offering to represent the ex-son in law if he hates him and wants to subtly make him lose.

    For example a lawyer who owned stock in Citibank could defend them from a gigantic lawsuit, but it would be a conflict of interest if he was the prosecutor and his stock might lose value if the lawsuit wins.

  3. yes it would only be a conflict of interest if he was prosucting after all most defense attorneys think their clients are innocent anyways

  4. Yes we can. We can represent any family. Doctors are the only ones i know of who cannot perform medically on their family.

  5. I would say, he could probably legally do it, but I don't believe I know of any lawyer that would ethically. He would have someone else, even in his own firm take the case.  

  6. Yes legally and ethically, but there is an emotional involvement which can blind an attorney to certain issues that an objective attorney would see.


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