
Can a learner driver sit in a car on their own on a drive with the keys i the car ignition on for the radio?

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Can a learner driver sit in a car on their own on a drive with the keys i the car ignition on for the radio?




  1. Yes, legal.  In the U.K., so long as you are on private land it's perfectly legal for anybody to DRIVE the car, regardless of whether he has any sort of license, or indeed whether he is even old enough to be able to apply for one.

  2. you can drive it if its on your own land. its the roads you cant use without a licence.

  3. yes... its privet property and if the car isn't running and u just have it on acc its ok.

  4. If you are in the UK and the driveway was private property yes you can. The Road Traffic Act laws only apply to public highways not private land.

  5. Depends on what state you live in. Check your state drivers education manual, you can probly find it on line at www your state. gov   :-)ma

  6. Yes, that's fine on private property, but it's a bit boring isn't it? Isn't there anything else to do, or can't you at least find a car with a TV in it if you're going to sit about in one all day? We didn't sit in cars all day in my youth, unless of course we were with a young lady and there was a certain amount of darkness.

  7. If you are on private land, then you can crank it up & drive it.

    Technically in the UK, just being in possesion of the keys means you are in possesion of the vehicle, and even can get into bother with this silly rule if you intend to walk home after a few beers, but have the keys in a pocket !

  8. In your given scenario, anybody can sit in the drivers seat, on private or public land. You don't need a licence to sit in it, only to drive it.

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