
Can a lightning strike have blown out my tv/vcr and satellite system? They were plugged into a power strip.?

by Guest60246  |  earlier

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I also had cable and a dvd and tv plugged into the same strip (they were on at the time) and they are ok. The ones that blew out? were not turned on at the time. Help!




  1. Probably.  A lightning strike fried my computer.

  2. Yes it is very possible I lost a TV once to lightening, and it was not on during the storm.

  3. yeah really it does

  4. yes it can one time lightning stuck my house and it blew out my t.v and my DVD/VHS player but my electric company fixed it because they ended up that our cable was not properly grounded

  5. hhmm

    Thats weird, if they were plugged into a power strip, that should have took most of the blow, It could have just been the force of the lightning bolt.

  6. Yes, they can! I have had lightning strike my wireless router not too long ago, and my computer was also plugged into the same outlet, but only hit the router and had to get a new one!

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