
Can a lone pregnant woman drive in a 2 person car pool lane?

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  1. This was discussed in my state when someone tried to do it, and the answer is no.

  2. A lone Pregnant Woman, driving a car, is a single person.

  3. sounds legit to me

  4. What about a schizophrenic?

  5. haha thats a good idea.

    Probably? lol

  6. only if she delivers the baby on the freeway

  7. I'm sure she can. She'll probably get a ticket though.

  8. I say yes she can because any prolifer would tell you that inside that woman is a fully formed human life...therefore, two people are in that vehicle.

  9. An unborn baby is NOT considered a person.  Sadly if you kill a pregnant woman it is NOT a double homicide.

    So no.  

    Good Luck...

  10. lol

  11. Someone tried this in California, she got a ticket but she did make the news.

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