
Can a lot of thick white cervical mucus mean I'm pregnant?

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im still waiting one more week for my period to come around and hoping to miss it so i can go test to see if im and my hubby trying to conceive and hopefuly im does thick white discharge mean im pregnant?it comes and goes with small amounts and today a little more showed up and it was thick and white...please help??




  1. cervical mucus isnt a reliable sign of pregnancy. When you are ovulating and for up to four days afterward you will notice that your cervical mucus becomes very thin, slippery, and much like the consistency of egg whites. This is what is called fertile cervical mucus as it allows the sperm to travel quite easily through the cervix into the fallopian tubes to meet the egg and fertilize it. While the egg white cervical mucus is a good indicator of ovulation and fertility

  2. Pregnancy Signs:

  3. Egg white/clear/sticky mucus means you are ovulating. Thick white mucus means you are not. It doesnt mean you are pregnant, sorry, it just means your are not ovulating. This type of mucus means your body is cleaning itself, probably to prepare yourself for your period.

    What are you doing TTC? Have you got an OPK- Ovulation predictor kit? Avail. from chemists, supermarkets, designed like a pregnancy test where you pee on the stick. 2 lines means you are ovulating. Use it just before you are due to ovulate (usually 14 days prior to the start of your next period). Using this combined with the cervical mucus check is pretty effective.

    Have s*x once a day, the day before you ovulate, the day of ovulation and the day after. Elevate hips after s*x- 10 mins should do.

    Good luck!


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