
Can a male betta live with silver hatchet fish?

by  |  earlier

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i want to know because i would like to have like a tank with white fish i have one white balloon mollie and would like a white betta with about two silver hatchet fish . any suggestions would help the tank is a sixteen gallon. also could i put about three glass catfish in there. i have a easter island head thing that is black in there please tell me how this would look and work. also you can tell me other fish that would be able to go in there




  1. ok, hatchet fish are top-dwellers, meaning they are usually in the upper-third of the tank for the majority of their time swimming around, and bettas are labrynth fish, meaning they can breathe air, and they are known to be top-dwellers too. male bettas can be quite agressive towards other fish in its territory, so i would just be careful puttin them together, other than that, bettas can be good community fish, dont listen to that idiot who said "they are also called fighting fish, they will kill anything you put in the tank", because thats erroneous, they DONT kill anything you put in the tank, they are just agressive towards other males and sometimes females if their arent a large number of them. if u plan on a betta dont keep it with any fin nippers (tiger barbs and serpae tetras, etc...) and nothin with long wavy should be fine....good luck with it

  2. Yes you can put catfish in there. The easter island head would be cool!!! Haha I wish I had 1! You can also get some platies and some guppies too! And also I think a male betta can live with a hatchet fish. Goodluck!!!

  3. betas are also called japanese fighting fish. they will kill anything you put in the tank with them. betas usually dont do very well in large tanks either.

  4. yes that would be fine you can really put a betta in with any fish unless its a betta so that would be fine if you have any questions or answers go to my website-

    i hopw this helps and by the way the website is not done yet but you can check it out and maybe leave tips and comments

  5. Just about any fish can go with your beta. Just as long as the fish doesn't have long fins. The beta might think it is another male and might be nippy and fight it. Otherwise, the glass cat fish and all of the other fish you named off would be fine.

    I've got a Male Beta ( he's purple) with other tankmates like: Plecos,Corydoras,X-Ray Tetras,Barbs, and Danios. He doesn't mind them very much. Betas are pretty shy fish and will often just kind of swim around every now and again. But, not so much!

    Good luck with your fish! =D

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