
Can a man be a feminist?

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Can a man be a feminist?




  1. The poster above who mentioned Civil Rights for African Americans deserves "Best Answer!"

    Of course a man can be a Feminist, if he supports equal rights, equal pay,(an idea that still has not been achieved) he is a feminist, there is no club to join.

    To the poster who thinks, and I use that term loosely, all the feminists in my 52 years on plant Earth, in NYC, (a very diverse group of people) I've never met a Feminist who hates men. They may hate a particular man, or men, but not as as a group. Men certainly hate some women as well.

    Besides being "old" as a nurse for 26 years I have met a larger group of people that most people do (thousands of patients alone),  the origins of hate for anyone usually stems from ignorance, meaning not knowing the other person fully, just knowing the surface person and bringing your own jaded and skewed experience to the fore. We all do that, that's part of the human animal.

    DkAngel, Hmmmm, I was there in the 1960s and 1970s, I sure didn't know that lesbianism was promoted for all women??? Where are YOU geting your info from, delusional thinking is my diagnosis for you. What a laugh!

  2. Anyone can be a feminist, male, female or other. All you have to do is subscribe to the belief that all genders are equal, and deserve to be treated equally.  

  3. Yes certainly! It just means he supports equal rights for females  

  4. Sure! White people fought for civil rights with African Americans in the sixties. Straight people march in g*y pride parades!

    We're all human so we should help protect each other's rights! You can absolutely be a feminist, and kudos to you if you are one. :)

  5. Of course!

    Did a person have to be African American to have supported the Civil Right's Movement?

  6. My step father is... arrggg... He drives me nuts. He likes to comment on the fact that I let my daughter play with barbies. He said it will make her think she has to have unrealistic body proportions in order to be pretty. I told him to mind his own business. My daughter is already beautiful and I tell her that every day... I could go on and on about the c**p he saids...

  7. Yes, unless you count the radical feminists of the 1960's and 1970's who believed that all women should become lesbians to escape the patriarchy.  A man can agree with all of the modern feminist ideologies; pro-choice, affirmative action, etc. He and I would probably argue quite a bit...  

  8. Sure a man can have feminist beliefs, because a feminist doesn't necessarily have to be a woman.

  9. Sure he can. A lot of male anti-feminists will tell you otherwise, but don't listen to them.

  10. I guess you could be but why would you want to.  Seriously your a man why wouldn't you want to actually believe in things men find important.  Your a man worry about not getting drafted and the other things that fall solly of the shoulders of men.  

  11. If he is sexually confused.

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