
Can a man born to a islamic family ever leave without being threatened or killed by his own family/community?

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According to Shariah Laws, Muslims who leave Islam must be sentenced to death.

I have cases of apostosy threats and killings from 30 countries that I have gathered until now.

Afganistan, Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Canada Egypt ,Ethiopia,France, Germany, India ,Iraq ,Iran, Italy ,Kenya, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan ,Malaysia ,Morocco ,Nigeria, Netherlands ,Pakistan,Palestinian Authority area, Philippines

,Saudi Arabia , Somalia ,Sudan ,Turkey ,United Kingdom , United States ,Yemen.

I already have checked and I know that Islam is the only religion in the world that will kill people which leave it, and that 8 muslims countries have laws against leaving islam which allow the governments to kill anyone who leaves islam!

I already know that in 14 more islamic countries if you leave islam you can be imprisoned and punished by torture by the law as well.

8 countries that have legislation to kill by the government officials:

Do you condemn this?




  1. no. its perfectly alright to kill people because of their religious beliefs. lets all go out and kill each other becuase i don't believe what you believe........NOT.

    and your inital question is quite subjective i would suggest that it depends upon the family and how fanatical they are.

  2. Do you believe in Freedom???

  3. Why not, no one can tell you what to think, or should for that matter. Or do instead. It's that person's choice, just because they want every Arab to be Islam, which mostly is, doesn't mean they have to starve, fast, and believe in a strict faith the rest of their entire life, and read the Koran  24 hours a day, and reread every single day. That's why we have brains, we just need to use it!! I don't think Muhammad would want that that's not what he said in 630 AD, he didn't say okay those who leave my religion will be killed. Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Pakistan, etc. just lost the real meaning of Islam long after Muhammad died, and made crazy laws that are not even stated into the Qu'ran.

  4. First, when the person joined islam, he must have had some convictions and when he is dismayed about the practises, he may like to leave. It is not human to do such a thing as to exterminate on the issue of change of faith. Then convesion into islam must be banned. If islamic law is saying so, the convert should to be told the same before joining.

    Secondly, if the person does not change the name and prectises, say christianity standing in the church in his pravery who can stop him

    The maker of law would not have told it in so many words in spirit.

    So many times the interpretors will put word in the mouth

  5. it seems that family finds a way of killing you one way or another... whether through genetics, poor judgement or both...  or religion.. who needs enemies when you have families?

  6. Well gee, let me see... I was born into a muslim family [not my choosing], they cut off part of my p***s for no good reason [again, not something I chose], then they say I'm a muslim and I don't get to have a say in whether I want to be one or not [not my choice]. Thanks a lot for having me, guys. Anything more I can do for you or do you want me to draw a dotted line on parts of my body where you can hack off pieces when I find myself on the wrong side of the laws you created in which, again, I had no say [this is getting tedious].

    When people are threatened and killed for expressing their desire to follow their own conscious, that would be enough for me not to want to be a part of it.

    So that would be 'yes' then.

  7. Ok this is pretty retarded. Since I was born in Azerbaijan, my family are muslim. I myself is an agnostic and so is my dad. My mom converted into a christian. So no, unless the country has different rules because Azerbaijan is pretty free.

  8. Ya.....absolutely...we  condemn that law....


    i wanna  know  who  brought that  it  the law  of  Muslim priests,muslim people or is it  brought by lord Allah....??

    ya....itz  really  a  bad thing killing people for that reason...they must  have  the  right to  choose  their  religion...

    anyway  contact me..

  9. I think this practice is openly executed in arabic countries, but somewhat tolerated in other non-arab muslim countries. It is definitely wrong and I condemn it.

  10. I dont know about Islam, but my christian family disowns me and wish I were dead because I rebelled. Whereve there is religion there is war and lots of judging people.

  11. Technically you can not. As you would be braking the sharia law. Your family would feel betrayed . And may go to extremes.

  12. I didn't read all the articles you included, but yes, I would even use the term condemn.  It's a reprehensible practice to my Western eyes.  

    It's not legal here in the US, but it still happens sometimes.  Although we guarantee freedom of religion, that practice cannot overshadow our laws and constitution.  We don't allow honor killings, or female circumcision (I'm being politically correct using that terminology) but both happen.  When the culprit is apprehended, he is prosecuted and generally convicted.  

    Others have mentioned it, but many families and/or faiths will ostracize a member who leaves the community.  Even if it's not required by the faith, a family member no longer holding the same beliefs may cause friction to the point of estrangement with the rest of the family.

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