
Can a man go to jail for killing another man for insulted his momma?

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Can a man go to jail for killing another man for insulted his momma?




  1. Of course, the answer's yes.  Though I have to make a note about the other responses that describe it as 'murder' some jurisdictions (I know Canada for certain, I'm not sure of any others), there's a partial defence of provocation.  It would have to be a pretty nasty insult, such that it actually caused you to lose control...but the effect of provocation is that it mitigates murder down to manslaughter, with far less severe penalties.

  2. yes. It's called homicide and it's illegal.  

  3. yes

  4. Happens all the time.


  5. Your momma should have taught you killing is illegal.

    Also, looks like she forgot to send you to school, learn some grammar.

  6. Um yes.  That would be first degree murder.  Most places thats life in prison w/o parole.  I hope eventually, they will pass a law against stupidity and arrest your stupid ***.

  7. Yep, you bet.

    Didn't you learn in kindergarten the old rhyme about sticks and stones?

    Insulting your momma, insulting you, insulting your lineage, none of those are an excuse for anything at all.

  8. Ummm....yes!!!!!  Come on!  Do you really think that if some "insulted" your mother or someone else that you are allowed to kill them!

    That would be like me saying that if someone ask a stupid question, is it okay to kill them!

  9. that would be murder, illegal in all fifty states.  there is no acceptable excuse for murder.  you would think that for a guy with 67% (!) this would be a no-brainer.

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