
Can a man truly be a feminist?

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Or would that make him a sissy or immasculated?




  1. Yes, he can. If people respond by calling him a sissy, they're obviously too scared themselves at the thought of (gasp!) a MAN supporting women.

  2. It just makes him wrong. I used to support feminism until I found out what feminism is really about

  3. Um, can be feminists. In fact, the first "feminists" were men.

  4. A man can be a feminist without being an emasculated sissy. Lots of men are. Wearing ladies' panties and prancing around in skirts makes a man a sissy, but being a feminist does not.

  5. Larry David ( the creater of Seinfeld)  is a Feminist.

  6. It makes a man a sissy if he is a bully to women.  What could be more emasculating to one's self than picking on someone smaller than you are?

    Feminists men are truly great, because they have matured and have the generosity required to be a truly good person.

  7. "A man truly be a feminist" and do what? Lobby for anti-men laws that prohibit corporations from offering the job to a qualified man because an equally qualified woman turns up? Talk about shooting themselves in their own foot.

  8. A male can be a feminist, a man cannot.

  9. It depends what sort of feminist you're referring to.

    If you're referring to someone who pursues equality and attempts to understand and address the causes of inequality, of course men can be feminists, and in fact it's politically necessary for men to be feminists for the movement to succeed.

    If you're referring to people who are simply sexist against men and label themselves 'feminists,' though, it's rather difficult (though not impossible) for men to be bigoted against men.

  10. He can be but not as as a women, he is faminist but to some extend at some of his age he returns back, as i am a man and i am a faminist but at some age i will be returning back to my real, i have experienced many ppl who did such.

  11. I don't believe so.  Mark Twain once said, "You root for your own gender, your own color, and your own locality.  Even if guys want equality and equal rights, they will always be rooting for males to have the upper hand.

  12. Any man can and should support the rights of others but he should not be a feminist until that movement gets its priorities straight.

  13. John Stoltenberg, Andrea Dworkin's husband is a typical male feminist, a homosexual that doesn't believe in masculinity.

  14. Certainly - if he subscribes to the notion of feminism being the belief that all humans are equal...not necessarily the same...and that they deserve equal access to opportunity and legal rights.

  15. There's something decidedly peculiar about a man being a feminist, if you ask me.  I would never trust a man who called himself a feminist.

  16. Yes, just like there are Whites who support Black civil rights and straights who support g*y civil rights.   These people believe in equal opportunity for all human beings.

    As for whether someone who believes in equal opportunity for all human beings is a sissy..... no.   It's the other way around.   The guys who are afraid of increased competition in the job market et al are the sissys.

  17. Yes he can. If you believe in equal rights for men and women, you are a Feminist.

    I think you should be asking "Can a man truely be a RADICAL Feminist?".

  18. It's impossible. The clue is in the name FEMinism.

    A man who calls himself (or allows himself to be called) a feminist is creepy and unnatural. He must have an identity problem. Either that or he mistakenly thinks that it will get him get into f***y.

  19. I would be suspicious of a man who considers himself a feminist in today's climate. Unless of course he also considered himself a men's rights activist as well.

  20. I actually agree with Stepford on something.  A man can be  a feminist but not a radical feminist. If he's radical he's self emasculating, self-hating and will most probably have terrible working realtionships and little to no non-professional interaction with his own gender.

    Me for instance,  I identify with feminism but don't talk about it on dates, try to impress women with knowlege of feminist literature, insult other males, walk around in a shirt that says, " This is what a feminist looks like".  The rule for a feminist male is show don't tell.  Treat women with equal respect in every area of life but don't be an audible and visible feminist exhibitionists.  It's fine to talk about gender issues and share one's belief on some board but a quiet pragmatism seems to be more effective in real life.  I am an environmentalists, a vegan, and an egalitarian.  I've learned that there's a time and a place for everything.  Being a man of few words and much action spares me being called  names like, PETA NUT, shirt lifter, and pink boy.

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