
Can a marriage last if you have to?

by  |  earlier

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Marry someone you don't know due to culturer?




  1. Sure it could... but why would you want that for yourself or for him!?  You should be happy!

  2. For me it's out of the question. It's not in my culture or my personal believes. I can't get into minds of other people.

  3. Happens all the time.  I would never want to do it that way, but millions of people have done it and lasted together.

  4. not sure what your question is...

  5. It depends on how much you want it to. Most people spend their courtship period getting to know one another before they decide to get married.

    In an arranged marriage the getting to know you part is combined with the honeymoon period. If you discover you hate the person you are stuck.

    I also think it was easier when we had a more insular society. Now you can easily compare your relationship to other peoples outside of your culture

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