
Can a member of the mafia have you killed for revealing a secret?

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A friend of mine revealed to me that she knows someone who is in the family(mafia). She was told that if she revealed this secret to anyone that she was going to be killed. Is this really true?




  1. Dead woman walking.

    Er, no. Unlikely really isn't it?

  2. Wasn't that in Godfather 3

  3. It depends on the kind of Mafia. In the Italian mafia, only the Don can decide who dies. In the Russian and Vietnamese mafias, it's pretty much a free for all and they will kill anyone without warning. The Mexican mafia would probably kill her boyfriend or husband after cutting parts off.  Ask her which one it is and then get the heck out of town.

  4. Could happen as the Mafia has their own unlawful protocol.

  5. The "mafia" does not exist as in the movies anymore.  Is there organized crime?  Sure, the US Government is the largest.

    Seriously, it is unlikely that she is in danger.

  6. she's probably just messing with you.

    Still it's possible, they're still Mafia's out there.

    Ever heard of Al Capone?

    He never got busted...finally the government got him with the only they could...



  7. not legally

  8. dude i think you should go to the police

    thats a threat

    'you tell anyone im gonna kill you'

    if you're really worried then go to the police to protect your friend

  9. I think YOU are watching too many movies.

  10. well, If she suddenly turns up dead, I guess yes.

    The Mafia does tend to kill a bunch of people.

  11. I'm not allowed to tell you...


    you know.


  13. If I told you...they my kill me too.  Stop watching so much TV kid.

  14. It sure is in the business of taking people out. so if your friend is telling you the truth she better get out of town. April

  15. Anyone can be killed by anyone for any yeah, they CAN, but it sounds like your friend is starved for attention, and what better way to get it by acting like you know someone in the mafia and having your life on the line?

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