
Can a mini STX lacrosse head be dyed??????? becasue my mini warrior goalie head didnt work?

by  |  earlier

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I tryed to dye a warrior MINI goalie head Dark blue but it turned out being light purple/lightgrey( I dyed it 3 times dark blue and didnt work). I think that the plastic on a mini warrior head doesnt dye good. But my question is does a STX MINI lacrosse head dye good????????????




  1. Yes you can i dyed mine blue and white.

  2. Ok don't listen to the kid above me because yes you can dye a normal lacrosse head and its called the mesh not the net....I have died all my mini sticks and they came out just fine, you might be doing it wrong. Tell me how your doing it

  3. i cant you can only die the net even on normal sticks you can.

    ps what team do you play for

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