
Can a minor purchase appetite surpressants at a pharmacy without perscription?

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Hello. =]




  1. No most of these will ask for id when purchased. Unless the cashier doesn't id you. In my state (georgia) as I understand it that ranks right up there with the sell of tobacco and alcohol to minors. HOpe this helps.


  2. No and anyway they would be no more use to a child than to an adult. Overall they don't result in any sustained weight gain.

    To stand any chance of this you have to eat less and do more exercise or you are doomed to remain overweight.

  3. I certainly d**n well hope not!

  4. try something called ephedrine most back street gyms sell it in the uk not that i encourage weight loss as i prefer curvy woman and i think most men do if they are honest.

  5. NO, and a good job too.

  6. No not really. Eat loads of leafy salad and celery. You actually burn calories eating that stuff! And you wont put on any weight and you will feel full.

    Try it?


  7. Why would a minor want to do that. At a time in your life when your body is still growing and changing a balanced and healthy diet and appetite is very important. Messing about with it will cause you problems.

    If you are concerned about your weight then I'd suggest looking at 1. your diet and 2. the amount of exercise you do.

    All of these things can be regulated without the need for medication.  

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