
Can a miscarriage just..stop?

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This is the scenario: A girl who has been told she was close to a miscarriage,who is 10 weeks pregnant has bad pelvic pain and cramping for 2 weeks straight. One day she spots, (wiped herself and saw blood) red blood. Cramps persist.

Then she starts bleeding for the next 4 days it goes up and down in intensity. At times light and at times heavy. Cramping persists. Pregnancy symptoms start decreasing. The 5th day she starts bleeding heavier and the cramps are much worse, she passes chunks of blood, or blood clots. On the 6th day there is light bleeding with cramping as it has been. On the night of this 6th day, the bleeding stops while the cramps persist.

So why did she stop bleeding? does this mean the miscarriage has happened and is now completed, or rather does it mean it is not going to happen? In other words, is she somehow all of a sudden out of the clear and the miscarriage just stopped and the baby is ok or simply did the miscarriage finish and run its course? Or is there more bleeding to come? thank you and god bless.




  1. Sencere apologies to the girl :(

    Those large blood clots you mentioned were in fact the Foetus itself. As the baby wasn't viable, the body automatically attacks & rejects it, hense heavy clotted bleeding.

    It's also similar to a period, as in the girl will bleed heavy & light at times. If the bleeding was heavy & then just stopped, it's quite possible there is more bleeding to come, but i'd say the worst (bleeding) is over.

    Hormones inside the body will still be working overtime, and the womb/uterus plus the hormones have to get back to a normal state, possibly why there's still the cramps.

  2. If she passed clots, or large chunks, most likely that was the fetal tissue she was passing.  Bleeding can last up to 10 days during miscarriage, so yes, the miscarriage is probably complete.  She should make a follow up appointment with her doctor for an ultrasound to make sure she passed everything, otherwise, if there is still retained tissue, infection can set in.  She may start bleeding & cramping again off and on for the next few days.  When I had my miscarriages, the bleeding would stop for a day or several hours and then start up again.  It took about 10 days for all bleeding to stop.

    There is a small chance that she is still pregnant, as bleeding and clotting can happen during the first trimester, so she really should go see a doctor for an ultrasound.  However, if she is losing her pregnancy symptoms as well as cramping, and heavy bleeding, then it is most likely she has suffered a miscarriage.

  3. More than likely, the miscarriage is done.  Watch for fever and unusual things you don't experience during a period.  Definately see a doctor to be seen, your health and future childbearing is at stake.  You must have her see a doctor.  No amount of fear should keep her from doing this.

  4. I don't want to counter anyones answer but I have quiet a different response to this. My best friend who had a previous miscarriage became pregnant again and was put on close watch because of this. When she started bleeding again and passing large clots her docs thought she maybe miscarrying again. So she continued to get regular check ups which included ultrasounds ( because that's the only way they can tell if the embryo is still in there) This started at 8wks and she is now 13wks and still spotting. Her docs have not been able to give her a reason why this is happening but the baby is still there and growing. Please have your friend get checked out immediatly and they should be able to tell her if she is still pregnant. If she isn't and has miscarried she should have the option to have a D&C which will "clean out" her utreus and she should have no more bleeding after that. If she doesn't have this done the possibility of infection can be high. The best thing to do is get checked out asap. Good Luck

  5. go to and see misscarriage. she needs to see a dr asap. it sounds like she had a full miscarriage and parts of it could be inside and could become infected and make her ill.

    each person is different. no one can say for sure.  

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