
Can a moth survive if it can't fly?

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Ok so my sis and i caught one of those little orange moths. We do that catch and release stuff, but we looked at it and the poor thing couldn't fly! It just kinda fluttered around but never got about a 5 in. off the ground. We're guessing the little guy broke his wing. We decided to take care of him in a little pot. It has flowers, sugary water, etc. Do you think he will survive? And what happened to him, and will he survive overnight?




  1. NO saying how he got hurt, but he might survive you can never be sure and i don't want to get your hopes up. As long as you don't touch his wings because if they lose the dst on their wings they cant fly and will die with out food and water (leaves, regular water)  

  2. Poor little guy! He might survive overnight, but if the damage to his wings caused him any other bodily damage, he probably won't survive long. They use their wings to travel around, so he also won't be able to find food (if the stuff you gave him doesn't suffice.)  

  3. thats like asking can a man can survive without s*x -.-

  4. Moths don't have a long lifespan as it is and if he's having trouble flying then he's probably already on his way out.

    Many things could have happened to it, but most likely he was hit or hit something or he was attacked by another insect (probably trying to eat him). It could also just be old age.

    He might survive overnight but just don't expect him to live long.

  5. It's actually a butterfly (clubbed antennae) not a moth. Not sure of the species. Hard to tell how he was damaged; most likely chased by a predator (bird) that got in a nip before he got away. To be honest, his chance of survival is poor. The most humane thing to do is euthanize him, place him in a small envelope with his wings folded back (like when butterflies are sitting) and place it in the freezer overnight. It sounds harsh I know, but there is little you can do for him. For euthanizing invertebrates freezing is the most humane way. They just slow down and stop. Sorry. :(

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