
Can a mother give up all the rights to her children to the father?

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My soon to be ex-wife and I were trying to have a baby, we went to Cabo this past weekend and she did some things that constitute a divorce in my opinion. I found out she already had plans to move out when she got a job and she thinks I was cheating on her with my best friends girlfriend, which I was not. She has told me if we are pregnant that she will give up all rights to me, I am want to know if she can really do this.




  1. if she wants too,  shed still have to pay child support.  she really sounds like piece of sh*t. no offense, but what kind of a mother would want to give their own child away.

  2. She is able to do this...but it will be of some cost...and it also has to do with whether or not she really loves the life that was created inside of her...and if she doesn't...then when she signs it over to you...then she hasn't a right to actually see that child unless that child turns 18 and wants to see their mother or you give her permission to see the child.

  3. yes she can. my sister did it with all her kids, probably the only good thing she ever did for them. she won't have to pay child support if she gives up all her parental rights either. child support is designed for parents, once she gives up her rights she is no longer a parent and has no legal responsibilty for the child.

  4. She could, she can sign her rights to her child away!

  5. Yes, she can.  Just make sure that you have a lawyer draw up the papers.

  6. suure can  

  7. She sure can. N if thats her plan the baby is better off with you cuz she sure seems like n awful mommy already n she dont even know if shes pregnant yet. If shes not kick her to the curb! n if she is congrats n enjoy your lil one cuz they grow fast n still kick her to the curb. OH and get child support too.  

  8. wow, that sucks. yes, she can do this but don't count on anything until she gives birth, she may change her mind. hopefully she is not pregnant. poor kid!

  9. yes she can. she can sign away all of her rights as a parent and give you sole custody of the baby

  10. If the mother doesn't want to have anything to do with the kid then she can give up her parental rights to the child. Just as a father can if he doesn't want to have anything to do with the child. If she is going to do this to you I would advise that you bring it up in court and make her pay child support.  

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