
Can a mother who consumes enough Folic Acid still have a baby with Spina Bifida?

by Guest21446  |  earlier

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Also is the disease genetic?




  1. Yes.  Folic acid can help lower the chance to have a child with spina bifida, but it does not completely eliminate the chance.  Taking 0.4 milligrams of folic acid (the typical dose in a prenatal vitamin or women's multivitamin) for at least one month before conception and the first 3 months after conception can lower the chance of spina bifida by 50-70%.  Most cases of spina bifida are caused by a combination of genetic and environmental factors.  Couples who have had one child with spina bifida have about a 4% of having another child with spina bifida.  Women who have had a child with spina bifida should take a higher dose of folic acid (4 milligrams) before conceiving another pregnancy and during the first few months of pregnancy.

  2. Anything is possible if you believe in yourself.

  3. im sure its possible...hopefully not though...

  4. I took my folic acid religiously and our 2nd child still has a dimple on her spine (the mildest form of spina bifida)

    The doctors say she is fine for now, but it could well affect her in adulthood.

    I don't think it is genetic, but I could be wrong.  

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