
Can a muslim girl in Iran marry a hindu boy then go with him to live in india?

by Guest59986  |  earlier

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does he need to convert to islam? is the marriage legally accepted both by muslims and hindus?




  1. He would have to convert to Islam for the sake of Allah, not the girl.

    It is not legally accepted for Muslims and Hindus to marry each other, whether they be men or women.

  2. I really want to help you but this is the wrong section to ask this question hon. :(

    Anyways I hope all goes well cause I heard that some people that try to do that and get caught get disowned and even killed by their families b/c of their different religion. So be careful.

    Good luck and be safe with your love!!

  3. umm, i dont know, i really dont care, i hope you dont marry an indian guy, if your a doktar-ye irani.

  4. No

    but you can become muslem and then marry. if you wont it you can

    1. marry in other country

    2. become non-real muslem. muslems tell this "Taghiyeh"

  5. a hindu boy can not marry a muslim girl in iran.

    but boy can be muslim and then marry the girl.

  6. no.

    as repressive as iran is,

    they would stone the couple to death.

    as for india,

    his caste is key.

    if his family doesn't approve,

    they will kill her.

    it is not a match that would be tolerated

    by both families.

    they should go to live in another country far away.

  7. If you had to marry a guy who wasn't muslim then he'd have to at least be of another monotheistic faith (e.g. Christian or Jewish).  Muslims, like Christians and Jews, believe in a single God.  Hindu's don't fall in this category as their religion has many Gods.  Only way for your marriage to be valid in the eyes of Islam is for the Hindu guy to convert to Islam (but he should do so out of his own - should not be forced into it as it is a lifestyle-changing decision).

  8. Don't care to any answer . Islam is a complete religion , I am sure if you lead the hindu boy actually in the way and show him the real side of Islam he would turn into a muslim .try. and in Iran they will not force you to prohibit you in marry by another religion . suffice it to say the mullah whom engage you and him , that both are Muslim . in Iran finsh !

  9. In India at least you can marry boy of any region irrespective of your own. It is perfectly legal in India. weather it will be accepted by people is different thing but no legality issues.


    As for John John cast and religion are two completely different things. If you are planning to settle in India then you should convert to Hinduism but it is not compulsory. You can be married and both retain your religion. But your children will be Hindu unless your to be husband converts before their birth.

  10. This question is stupid

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