
Can a negative still be given to a person who refunded me? (Ebay)?

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If they gave you a real hard time about a broken item and treated you very poorly?

I have never given a negative to anyone, but this person was awful! Can she still get a negative from me even if she finally did refund?




  1. That's up to you. And there are some great forums on Ebay about just this sort of thing. A couple things you wanna keep in mind. First, if the situation was handled to your satisfaction (even if low satisfaction, but you did get a refund) then a neutral feedback with an honest comment would suffice. Ratings impact sales on ebay dramatically. Also if you haven't received feedback yet, it is entirely likely the seller will retaliate. It's really not a fair practice, but Ebay takes no stances against it. So keep in mind that you can get a negative in return.

  2. I think the new Ebay rules about feedback are that sellers cannot even leave negative feedbacks on buyers anymore.  This is actually a terrible rule.  I have been selling and buying on ebay for years and years - have 100% feedback, but didn't manage that without getting ripped off a gazillion times by cheap, rude, and literally crazy individuals.  You name it; I've dealt with it.  One lady's excuse for not paying me was that she had alzheimer's and she forgot she bought the item.  hahaha.  Everyone's family member suddenly dies when they owe you money.  It's amazing.  I must have really bad luck or something, because you bid on my item and suddenly your house burns down.  

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