
Can a neighbor sue you if your tree limb fell into their yard during a windstorm and their ins won't pay?

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Can a neighbor sue you if your tree limb fell into their yard during a windstorm and their ins won't pay?




  1. they can attempt to sue you, but it was an act of nature,  There insurance if a homeowners policy will and should pay.  They may be just trying to get money from you.

  2. Sure, They can sue you.

    Doesn't mean their gonna win.

  3. did it do any damage or just fall there?.... if no damage, the only cost to the other guy is getting it out of the yard.... and they can't sue for that.... if it's so big that he has to hire someone to cut it up to move it, he might be able to insist that you help pay, AND he has to put the cut up wood back on your side of the property line!... the wood belongs to you (your tree) and then it's to you to get rid of it.....

    if it did any damage, then he can try to get your insurance to pay for its removal and the fixing that is needed.... but that will be between his ins. and your ins. companies...

    of course, if you can get over there and move the limb and get it out of the yard yourself, you'll save a lot of grief....

  4. Yes,

    You can sue anyone but that

    doesn't mean they will win

  5. Yep! it's their tree and their responsibility.....

  6. The claim would go to your home owner's insurance company.  If you have no insurance, get your wallet/purse out.


  7. Yes! that is standard to sue someone, then it forces the home owner insurance to kick in to protect the home owner being sued.

    Years ago, My elderly neighbor with a bad heart had HIS tree blow over and crush MY fence.

      His insurance company said,"Sorry! act of God!"

    My insurance Co. said that if I sued the old man personally, that would force His home owners insurance to kick in to protect him.

       My solution....I gave the fence guys a couple of hundred cash, they "found" extra chain link, and fixed the fence.

    That way I did not have to sue a lovely old man with a bad heart!

  8. Yep, they can sue you, but that doesn't mean they're going to win any money from you.  Alot of insurance companies wouldn't pay to have that damage fixed on your own home, and it was really a natural/act of nature.  All your neighbor is going to incur is legal fees.

    Take pictures, represent yourself - the judge will help you thru things if they are not too complicated.

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