
Can a new landlord evict the old tenants?

by Guest66573  |  earlier

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my landlord had died last year so his son had taken control of all his properties. His son couldn't keep up with all the properties so the city took control of all the properties (mine too) for about 1 year. Now someone just bought the property and I'm wondering if the buyer can evict me and the tenant downstairs. I live in a duplex. Its a month to month lease.




  1. Yes they can. And no one can stop them.

  2. A lease is transferred with the property to new owners

    If the property was foreclosed upon that voids the leases

    With a month to month lease, any LL need only give you 30 days notice to vacate the apartment, 30 days notice from date rent is due, ex.  Notice given today would mean getting out 30 days after September1

  3. Yes. your tenancy can be terminated with proper written notice, without cause or reason. The required termination notice can range from 7-60 days, depending on your state's landlord tenant laws.

  4. If you were on a month-to-month lease, then all the owner has to do is give you 30 days notice.

    Generally, if one party sells a rental to another, the new purchaser is bound by the terms of any existing leases. So, if you'd had a 1-year lease and, 3 months into it, your property got sold, then the new owner (generally speaking) would be required to observe the terms of the existing lease for its remaining 9 months.

    Even if that were the case here, the best you could hope for in a month-to-month lease is 30 days' notice. And that would have been the case even with your now-deceased landlord.

    If you want to stay, contact the new buyer and ask for a new 1 year lease. If the buyer bought it as an investment, he'd probably be happy for an existing tenant to stay...though, perhaps, at a higher rental.

    Good luck.

  5. If it is a month to month arrangement, you can be evicted with 30 days notice.

  6. If you don't have a lease you are entitled to only thirty days notice.

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