
Can a non-UK person act as a guarantor?

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I've read somewhere that a guarantor must be UK-based. Is it still so? I'd like to rent a property in England and have a non-UK but EU person act as a guarantor for me, if possible. Thanks in advance!




  1. I would not have thought so. A guarantor has to pay the rent if you don't so it would be difficult to get the money off someone not in this country.

  2. nope it has to be uk based. still so. they have no legal recourse to anyone abroad.  

  3. This is a legal grey area that all agents clarify by refusing non uk based guarantors. They have no way of chasing the debt if the guarantor is not based in this country. Worst still some other countries will not even recognise a contract created in this country. As such all agencies require that the Guarantor be based in permenant residency in this country so that the contract can at all times be fulfilled.

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