
Can a non-community college student transfer to Cornell?

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What if I transfer from either Howard/UConn/Pitt?

I changed my mind about community college did I make a right choice?

What GPA should I concentrate on getting after 2 years in order to get accepted?

Major - American Studies or Classics




  1. It's possible, but I don't know why you'd want to go to Cornell for those majors.. it's really more of a science/math/engineering type place.

    You should probably aim for at least a 3.8

  2. You probably made the right choice about attending a community college. Don't get me wrong, community colleges are frequently just as good (or better) than 4 year universities. The problem is that many universities refuse to transfer some of the credits earned at a community college, simply because the administrations realized that they were losing money (big time). If you have an excellent GPA (3.5 or better) from Howard/UConn/Pitt(?University of Pittsburgh?) and your SAT's were very good, you stand a decent chance of getting admitted as a transfer student. Cornell is a beautiful place, and contrary to what the other respondent said, Cornell is NOT merely a math/science/engineering school. It has an exceptional Liberal Arts reputation, including American Studies and Classics. And, if you're looking for schools in the North, why not consider Canada? As an example, check out the link below. The tuition plus fees for an international student are about 1/3 of what Cornell costs, and the education is certainly equal to what you will receive at Cornell. If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact me through Yahoo Answers.

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