
Can a non married mother move from the state of Michigan with their child without the father's permission?

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Can a non married mother move from the state of Michigan with their child without the father's permission?




  1. No, society calls that 'kidnapping'. As long the father is biologically related to the child you can not just run away. You will have to have a hearing  

  2. I am trying to move out of state with my children. There are certain factors that the court take into consideration. Some considerations are: is this in the childs best interest. Is there going to be better opportunities in the childs life. Will there be an increase in income due to this move. Is there family and support in the childs life. So I will let u know once I go to court. I am trying to get a job before I petition the court to ask them for permission, because otherwise my ex-husband will fight it. However he isnt working in Michigan so now is a perfect time to move, once I get a job in california.  

  3. Yes.

  4. Family law has changed drastically for non-married single parents. It depends on the state and custody arrangement.  If one of the parents has joint custody, the other parent has to live within a certain radius of the other parent.  It is the same with weekend, or every other weekend arrangements. If the other parent has only visitation rights, it may be done. Or, if the other parent is not involved or making not paying child support. They need to make some changes in order to stop the other parent from moving.

    My brother in law moved 2 1/2  hours away from his son when he had every other weekend. He just didn't keep his commitment. He saw his son infrequently. It was his choice. My brother's nephew went to court to stop his ex from taking their son across the country to Michigan.  She had a good job lined up and her family and fiance all lived there. It made no difference. He won and she had to stay here. Another guy I knew did the same thing when his ex tried to take his daughters to South Dakota. He went to court, paid his lawyer a double bonus $$, fought for joint custody and won. If the mother takes them anyway, she will be arrested for kidnapping. They now live 6 miles away from him and they are not going anywhere.  

    It comes down to the custody arrrangement, child support, relationship and interest of the parents involved. I wish you a lot of luck if you would like to move with your children. I hope things work out for you.  People need to be more careful about who they breed with. Family lawyers are making a fortune these days!

  5. Being that you are not married, you can go where you want to until and unless a court order is issued stating that you must return to Michigan.  Why are you running and from what or who?  That's what you should be asking yourself.  Do you think you can run away from your problems?   You cannot.  However, in certain circumstances, running is the smart thing to do as long as you figure out what's the best thing to do after you have put some space between you and the father of your baby.  Always do what you think is best for you and your child in the long run.  Good luck.  Read the book To h**l With h**l.  It will give you answers to these questions and many more.  Peace is what  you are looking for and you will find that in this book.  Barnes and Noble and

  6. Is the father involved in his child's life?  Assuming the father knows of his child- then no, you can't.  You have to have permission from the father to move out of state, or even to another part of the state.  If the father has given up his parental rights, you do not need his permission.

  7. unless youve made a contract  yes she can

  8. You are asking strangers on the internet about your personal situation?  Here is a crazy idea, get some legal advice.

  9. Yuperooooooooo!!!

  10. Yes.... if she isn't married. Unless there is a court order stating that the parent has to live in that particular state.

  11. yes I have always had custody of my kids and I have moved out of Michigan.The father has no say so .

  12. You can do anything pretty much if youre not married.

  13. That all depends dose the fauther have visitation rights. is he paying child support If the answer to both those questions are no well then i would say as long as your not marred then yes you should be able to move anywhere you want. The other question is how long did you live togather and dose your state have common law marrage. meaning if you lived with him for a certin period of time then yes leagely your marred. you might want to check that out  

  14. It depends. If you have full custody yes. If not then I think you may have to do something about that.

  15. it depends who has custody and if he does have visitation rights then i think you still have to get his approval  

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