
Can a nukes radiation take out the united states with one bomb?

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Can a nukes radiation take out the united states with one bomb?




  1. a thermonuclear warhead can destroy a capitol city, also had capacity for kill millions and collapse the every kind electronic devices, bases ( only Faraday circuits can protect the electronics ) at more than 100mile+  length circle with electro magnetic pulse ( EMP )  

    That kind of hit definitely pollute the land - water and earth with radioactive waste for generations .. but wiped out a entire continent? nope .. can't.

    Mostly powerful bomb who build by mankind was craft by Russians at early 60's.

    If I remember right Russians use "Ivan" codename for that bomb ( like Ivan The Terrible )  this big guy was really powerful ( 100megaton ~ 3.500 time powerful then Hiroshima's ) and heavy ( 27 ton ) but even Ivan the terrible can't do that this by solo.

  2. no the blast could take out an entire city.  the radiation would take out the entire county and maybe some surrounding areas

  3. A nuke may not, but an EM (electro-magnetic) bomb could. With most machinery and communications down, the States would be easy pickings.

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