
Can a official check bounce?

by  |  earlier

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um I was just wondering because I got one in the mail from family (not that I dont trust them) lol

But I was wondering if when they made the check the bank took the money out of their account or just checked to see if they had the money in their account at that time...

help please! :)




  1. What do you mean by official cheque?

    Personal cheques can be written anytime and anywhere. The bank will have no idea when your family picks up a cheque book and writes out a cheque. All that matters is when you go to deposit the cheque, the funds needs to be in their account so that it can clear.

    The money doesn't have to be there at the time they actually write it as it hasn't exchanged hands yet. Just go and deposit the cheque. If you want to be doubly sure, cash the cheque at THEIR bank, because they can see if money is there right away.

  2. Define Official check ?  If it is a CERTIFIED Check then it can not bounce as the funds are been applied against the check.  Other than a certified check or Bankers Draft, then yes it can bounce

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