
Can a optical mouse LED blind you?

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My mouse was acting funny ever since I cleaned it (probably got a bit of water in it), so I took it apart this morning. I should had unplug it from my laptop first, but being the idiot I am I end up staring into the bright red light for a few minutes as I expected the mouse's guts.

My left eye went blurry and I have bit of a migraine now. I know that optical mice use infrared red LED that shouldn't be a problem, should it? Is the LED powerful enough to damage my eyes?




  1. Not if you glance at it, but if you were to stare into it for several minutes it could possible cause damage.  If your eye sight has not cleared up in two to four hours, you should make an appointment to have your eye looked at.

  2. you should be fine.

  3. I wouldn't stare at one long enough to find out.

    As with looking at any direct light source.

    If you stare long enough, I suppose it would cause dammage.


  4. well that light isn't the infrared thats something else but the LED can damage your eye i really doubt you would go blind from it. You should be fine after a while as long as you didn't sit there and stare into it for like 5 minutes then there will probably be permanent damage

  5. no they are not bright enough to damage ur eye, it has done th same as if u come from a dark room to a very bright light it jus blurs ur vision for a moment u will be fine, take some painkillers

  6. Not really, the frequency of light is limited but staring it for more than an hour can affect ur eyes but cant make u blind.


    Ujjwal B Soni

    [baroda, gujarat, india]


  7. It wouldn't do any perminant damage for just a couple minutes

  8. Cheese

  9. If you can see out of your eye then you can't be blind.

    I don't think the LED is powerful enough anyway. You may get blurry eye for a few moments but you can get that just by looking at a bright light bulb for a duration.  You will be fine.

    Your retina is a little tired that is all from the strong light. And it is not infra-red. Humans cannot see infra-red light. It is visible red which is higher in frequency and that is what dazzled you.

    Your migrane is natural when exposed to bright light. Always protect your eyes first anyway!

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