Just a thought.
The creep called the 'librarian' who was caught in the link below says 'he knows his thinking is wrong'.
Surely there could be some sort of behavioural modification therapy that people who 'know they are thinking wrong' could attend to curb their vile tendencies instead of just indulging themselves. My point is that this compulsive behaviour. If the perpetrator knows this behaviour is wrong he may want to prevent it & should be given resources to curb that behaviour. Too often he is too ashamed & just goes on right ahead.
Don't get me wrong, i don't speak of paedos who abuse children. They deserve the worse punishment possible.
i speak of those weak & misguided people who are on their way to become paedos...they know that the path they are on is wrong.
What if society gave them some sort of path to correct their way of thinking BEFORE they start the abuse? It could be anonymous, perhaps on the net itself...a tool/ device to drill it into their thick skulls the damage & misery that their actions will cause to innocents.
It could give them alternative methods of control...yoga, meditation perhaps.
Just a thought, because with all the hate against Gary Glitter & the libararian...
i figured prevention is better than cure...(which there isn't in these cases...they need to be locked up for life.)