
Can a parent be reported to social services for verbal abuse?

by Guest60269  |  earlier

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I know of a little boy who is being verbally abused every day by his mom. I hear her screaming at him all day every day. The other neighbors have complained to her about it too. Should someone call social services? Would they do anything or does there need to be physical abuse too? Is there a better option? I'm not talking to her about it because she's a nut and I have my own kids to protect.




  1. You can call Adult Protective Services in your state. Also call child protective services as well. Go to your local Senator, State Distric leaders; etc. If it gets to be too much; file a DIR: Domestic Incident Report at your local police office.

    When you have 3-as is the requirement here in NYC-your state may only need one-go to the local family court/civil court/criminal court and ask to see a mediator.

    The mediator will act as a court appointed go-between and try to figure out what the problem is. If the mediator thinks this person needs to go to the mental health judge in your state; take what ever documents the court mediator gives you and file a request for her to be seen by the State Supreme Court mental health judge. Godd luck.  

  2. Report it. It can't hurt. If they can do something about it, they will. If they can't, then they will tell you they can't.

  3. Yes, but nothing will happen because there's no evidence.  That's why most child abuse cases boil down to "marks left."  I wouldn't even do it without evidence because the other poster is right, the investigation will make her angry, and she will likely think it is you (for right or wrong).

    If you want to do it, I would seriously consider setting up a video camera on a tripod in your window and see if you can't get her doing it on film.  Of course, if she sees the camera, she may flip a gasket, but it's probably legal if it's in your own home.  And then, explaining it to your kids would be dicey.  I wouldn't let children in on it, frankly.

    This is what I'd do if I were faced with this daily.  But there's no simple, cut-and-dried answer.

    Also... when I referred to "evidence," I meant tangible, something that could be shown to a judge.  Believe it or not, she'd have to be practically threatening the kid's life in front of social services in order for verbal abuse to hold up.  You'd be surprised how difficult it is for social services caseworkers to catch parents "in the act."  Evidence is either pictures of injuries, or perhaps recordings.

  4. call social services , and remain anonymous..but will that just make the mom madder,...i mean as king as she is not hurting the child physically then what can they really do...just because she is yelling and screaming at him doesnt mean anything really..i am a mother of 5 kids all under 9 and i do my part in the yelling..but if this is a everyday thing and you see and change in the childs behavior such as sadness..well then how do you know she is not hitting as well...just to be safe call ss and have it checked out...if anything it will scare her and maybe she'll shutup..or not

  5. yes the parent can you cant ignore a cry for help can in now and help this poor child in his time of despair

  6. I guess you can report whatever you want.  

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