
Can a parent force a 16 year old adoptee to get a birth control shot?

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Is it illegal? Is it child abuse?




  1. First it does not matter if she is there real or adopted child.

    NO they can not force a child to take a birth control shot. The 16 year old needs to speak up when she is at the Dr and make it clear that she does not want the shot!

    A 16 year old can get birth control on her own with out parents consent. So in the same tern she has a right to refuse birth control.

  2. It doesn't matter if you are adopted or not, individuals have rights and they cannot by law force you to get one.

  3. no and no

  4. In most states 16 is considered to be a minor. Even though you are adopted, your adoptive parent has legal rights until your 18. That being said, why are you even considering it abuse. That shot could save you so much trouble down the road. Do you really want to be a teen mom?

  5. no they cant force her, might as well lock her up in a room till shes 18

    plus if shes legally adopted it doesnt make any difference in terms of parental rights

  6. No, I think it would be both child abuse which is illegal.

  7. Why ask this about just an adoptee - is it legal to force any 16 yr old to have a birth control shot??

    I don't get the reference to an adoptee?????

    I don't think it would be good to force anyone to do anything against their will.

    ETA: just read your add - some people should just not be allowed to adopt - IMHO.

    If a person wants to control another human that much - they should really just get a dog or cat. (they'll be more successful - and won't cause major mental harm to another adoptee)

    Serious messing with an adoptees mind - not good.

  8. I asked a doctor.  He said NO a parent can not force a 16yr old to get a birth control shot if she does not want one.  The doctor is supposed to listen to his patient.  

    Legal, IDK.  This doctor said he didn't know of any physician who would give a young girl a birth control shot if she did not want one, no matter what her parents wanted.

    Child abuse?  IDK, but its certainly not good.

    hope i helped:)

  9. They shouldn't force you to do that. It's ultimately the 16 yr old's choice, and if you don't want some foreign chemical put in your body when you're perfectly fine, you should by no means have to have one. I wouldn't call it abuse though unless the parent physically hurt you because you refuse to get one.

  10. I think it wouldn't be child abuse because they would be doing it for your own good.

  11. i dont know but birth control is really bad for you. you can get so many side affects and has MANY risks!!!

  12. ide say no, but why are they forcing you? are you sexually active? are your periods irregular?  do they have a good reason? if not tell them No, and when you get to the doctors tell them no you dont want it.

  13. No, absolutley not.

  14. I'm not sure what laws would apply there but I'm pretty sure if the child said to the doctor- I do not want this shot, they wouldn't give it to them purely on morality.

  15. If it is illegal it shouldn't be, honestly, you should be forced to take birth control until you've proven you can be both financially and emotionally responsible. If my adopted mom had forced me to have bc and I kept taking it I wouldn't have had such a hard time from the beginning of my young adulthood. Instead, I got knocked up by an abusive jerk and stayed because I turned my back on the only family I had and had no where else to go.

    It took me a long time to get my life back together but if I had been smart from the beginning I would probably be a lot better off.

  16. It appears this is a tricky legal issue and hasn't really been challenged in a court, so the legality is questionable. Because of that, I doubt any medical doctor or clinic would give your friend the shot if she clearly said she did not want it. That could get them into legal and liscensing trouble, and they would not want to do that. If she does not want the shot she should say so clearly to the doctor or nurse and they will not give it to her. See this question and answer for medical practioners:

    Now is it child abuse? Well, telling her to take the shot is not, imo.  Depo-provera is not without side-effects, but they aren't that bad for most women. If your friend is even AT ALL considering becoming sexually active -- and I'm talking ANYTHING beyond kissing -- then she should have some sort of birth control available. Depo-provera shots are good, because you don't have to worry about using them correctly or convincing the guy. It doesn't protect against STDs, though, just pregnancy. Your friend (and you too!) should go to Planned Parenthood or some trusted clinic and tell them you want to know about ALL your options. It is great that you aren't active yet and have plenty of time to figure out the best plan ahead of time. If you and your friend get educated and explain your plan to her mother, maybe she will come around.

    Now the adoption issue: threatening her to put her back into the foster care system is -- or at least I would consider it to be -- child abuse. If what you say is true, and this woman adopted your friend from foster care and then threatens repeatedly to send her back, that is really sad and puts your friend in a really hard position. I don't think any parent should threaten their child with abandonment -- and that is what this is -- but for an adoptive parent to do this to a child who has already lost at least one set of parents -- well to me that is evil. My heart is with your friend. She really needs to sit down with her mom and have a heart to heart talk, at a time when they both are calm. She might want to write her mom a letter and explain both how she feels about the shots, how she feels about s*x, and how she feels about being threatened with being sent back to foster care. Maybe you could help her write the letter? Go with her to the clinic to help her be strong in refusing the shot until and unless she agrees to it?

    Thanks for being a good friend.

  17. Yes. You're a minor and under their roof. You have to do as they say. But the shot could mess you up for a while and you should let them know. Also how you feel about the whole thing. But it is not illegal.

  18. It depends on what state your in because in some states a 16 year old can get an abortion by themselves and do those kinds of things alone, and parents cant force them but in some states like michigan parents have complete rule till the age of 18

  19. I'm pretty sure that's absolutely within the boundaries of the law and morality.

  20. i think you can have to do it but check with the councelor at school the thing is they are looking out for your best interest and you are being mean. that is sad since they adopted you i am adopted and never gave my parents trouble why would you do that/ they took you and saved you from a life of living with constant fear of living with new people

  21. no.

    family planning is a personal decision and can not be forced.  title X, the federal family planning act is very clear that forced contraception is unethical and eugenic. although some parents are good at convincing their daughters to get contraception, it has to  be the patient's decision.  adoptive children are not exempt.  the ideal would be to sit and have a discussion with her concerning sexual health, decision making and contraception; and make the decision together.

    why is this in the adoption cat. again?

    ETA: court ordered contraception of sexually abused girls in foster care makes me ill.... ick. ick. ick.

    ps. most gyns will not give depo to prior to 13 due to increased risk of osteoporosis and other bone and developmental issues.

  22. A parent can't even force their own birth child to get one..

  23. These is not child Abuse. If you was to get  the shot and you was to get rapped it would protect you from and unwanted pregnancy.Maybe your parents feel you are having unprotected s*x and don't want you to get pregnant.

  24. Legal because adoptee or not.. they dont want u to get pregnant and care for ur health. and u live in theur house.. so i beleive its legal

  25. i think it's perfectly fine. why would the kid not want it?

    plus. it's almost strange for a parent to force their kid to get on the pill. i mean.. come on. don't most parents want their kids to wait?

  26. Don't do it! hormones are horrible and can lead to suicidal me. its happened lost before. if you REALLY want to put you teen on something consult a doctor WITH HER and talk about the pros and cons of ALL birth control options.

    DO NOT leave your teen out of the decision! its her body and she should have  some say.

  27. child abuse? thats funny. she shouldnt even let you have s*x in my opinion. why wont you get the shot? if you're having s*x, get it! at least that way your child wont turn into an adoptee also. or the child of a 16 year old mother who cant support him/.her!

  28. Well yes because even thought they are not your real parents they aere your gardians and they have custody over you.

  29. Being an adoptee is irrelevant in the question. No I guess technically parents cant force something like that on their child adopted or not. However why not it seems a wise choice and they are taking the steps to prevent becoming a grandparents while their child is still underage. Trying to prevent their child from become a teen parent.

  30. Firstly why would someone want to take on a child at 16?? If your in a state where 16 is under-age the parent can persue the father in court possibly.

  31. Same rights as if you were the birth mother.  Adoption or not, she is your child.  I am not sure if you can force her to get a shot or not.  You need to sit down and talk to her and you both need to amke a decision on weather she needs birth control at this point or not.  Do not force, you two need to discuss it.

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