
Can a passenger in a car be fined for not wearing a seat belt say in a taxi?

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Can a passenger in a car be fined for not wearing a seat belt say in a taxi?




  1. yes you have to wear a seatbelt? its there for a reason.

  2. If the vehicle has fitted seat belts then by law you must wear one otherwise yes you will be fined if caught.

  3. possibly

  4. yes, by law i you are over 14 you are responsible and have to wear a seatbelt regardless of being in a privately owned, company or public car otherwise you would be subject to a £50 fine

  5. Doesn't matter much because passengers are always in a hurry.

  6. yes

  7. Always buckle up!

    Yes you will be fined, its the law.

  8. oh yes.

  9. Depends on the country. In some it's the driver's responsibilty to make sure all passangers comply with the law.

  10. yes a passenger can get fined where there is a seat belt you have to wear, it is only the driver of the taxi who does not need to wear one (well that's what a taxi driver said) and any driver is responsible if a child does not wear one.

  11. Front seat, yes.

    Back seat and over 16, no.

  12. off course.....and the both the driver and the passenger will get separate fines, ranging from RM150-RM300 (the max) in malaysia....

  13. If seat belts are fitted, yes, they must be worn by the passenger regardless of whether they're in the front or back.

    If the passenger is over 16yrs, the onus is on them, under that age, the onus is on the driver.

    The one loophole in the law, besides exemption certificates, is that it states that in the front,  only nearside passenger must wear a belt, therefore in vehicles with three seats in the front (vans for example) the middle passenger doesn't have to belt-up.

  14. In the state of Florida. If you are in the back seat and are 18 or older then you do not have to wear a seat belt.

  15. Its the responsebility of thr driver of the vehicle to make sure any passenger under the age of 14 wears their seatbelt,if they are over 14 its their responsebility,so they would be fined.

  16. the passenger wont be fined the driver will be

  17. taxi drivers do not need one. if ur over 14 u r responsible to put your own on. anyone under 14 it is the drivers responsibility to make sure they are wearing one

    also if ur a delivery driver and doing lots of very small journeys to each delivery u dont have to wear one. I.E milk cart

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