
Can a pawn?

by Guest66975  |  earlier

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Take moving vertically i saw this guy take a bishop that was infront of a pawn and i though to myself "I thought pawn could only take sideways"




  1. I have never heard of a pawn legally taking a piece directly in front of it.  What may have happened is that the pawn made it to the opponent's side and became another piece.  If there was no piece to take the place of the pawn then the pawn might be representing another piece such as a rook or a queen.  This is called promoting.  Maybe this pawn had been promoted to another type of piece and was (in the rules of the game) no longer a pawn.

  2. one square in any direction but they also have the chance to move two steps but only once and it must be declared and used as the beggining move or the chance is lost.

  3. No pawns never take directly in front of them. En Passant is a little different, but it has nothing to do with bishops, and still not directly in front.

  4. He made an illegal move.

  5. A pawn can not take a piece directly in front of it. It can only attack one space diagonally.

  6. Pawns can only capture diagonally; even in the case of en passant, the pawn captures only another pawn (not pieces), which is diagnonally adjacent to it (as per en passant rules).

  7. A pawn can never take a power in front of it unless the pawn has been promoted to a higher power. Either the guy you are talking of has had his pawn promoted to a higher power or he has cheated the opponent; But the prior seems more appropriate to me.

  8. You are right, "pawns can only take side ways." He must have cheated, there is no way to take a bishop if the pawn is North, East, South-East, South, South-West, or West of the bishop. There's a link below that might help you with the rules of chess.
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