
Can a person's mind be reincarnated?

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Assuming one's soul is reincarnated after death, can their mind be reproduced?




  1. this is the craziest thing ive ever heard. Thank you. Ive heard it all now. ill give you a star for this.

  2. no one knows.we believe in something without know it.

  3. I would argue that it is not reincarnated but eternal.  The mind is eternal in that it never ceases to stop learning and existing; it continues with the last man's knowledge that was before him.  

    Humans cannot overcome their fear of death so they wish it to be reincarnation but it would serve no purpose for a man from the past to enter one in the present; for he already has knowledge of what this man knew, and indeed, the newer knows more.

  4. Well, there have been certain cases of people who believe they've been reincarnated that remember some things from their previous life, something really important. And even some people who don't think they've been reincarnated remember things that they didn't learn or experience in this life. But I don't think a whole, unaffected mind could last through the transportation through death and rebirth. (this is all assuming there is reincarnation of course)

  5. ...if you believe it so, YES...all is possible when one believes...

  6. No... a mind cannot. and a soul cannot, reincarnation is treated as a way to dismiss death and live without consequence. In truth, reincarnation all revolves around the fact we'll never get things right, or perfect. Therefore making people happy that they will not die.

    Of course every person knows they do not want to die, when faced with death, a great Hindu, would act just like anyone else, and do anything not to die. Everyone knows that there are inevitable consequences for their actions.

    Reincarnation is a terrible way to cope, and if anyone else wants to beat around the philosophical bush, thats too bad.

  7. I believe there are certain parts of the mind that you carry through your lives. For example, it has been said that if you died drowning, you will have a fear of water in your next life. There are certain personality traits that can be carried, like adoring the same things.

  8. I believe the mind is universal, what you learn now you might know in your reincarnated life.  But not all... maybe when we are dead, floating around finding a body to invade we remember everything, but when we enter a body (vessel), we forget, because we start learning new things like speaking, walking, writing, etc. There's this movie The Philadelphia Experiment I believe where some guy said he saw this movie and all his memories just came at him, he was part of the experiment and he was reincarnated.. I don't know if its true.. it might be.

  9. Chris Farley Reincarnated...

  10. do you mean memory by mind?

    I don't imagine you mean the physical cells?

    who knows?

    not I

    this seems like a good question for a Buddhist and a Buddhist might answer differently depending on what level or sect of Buddhism they belong to

    and they might not speak in terms of a soul

    so perhaps this is not a question for a Buddhist if you are talking about soul


  11. I don't believe so. Maybe the soul can be replaced, but the same mind cannot be replicated. Of course I don't know much on the subject...

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