
Can a person be a success at teaching and a failure at parenthood?

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Can a person be a success at teaching and a failure at parenthood?




  1. I am not a teacher. I am studying psychology. I have a son that is ADHD, ODD and may be bipolar. He is very hard to take care of. The teachers are constantly complaining about him not sitting still. Just because you feel that you have failed parenthood, that does not mean that you have. I do not know what makes you think that you have failed parenthood, you would benefit from speaking to someone. I am sure that you are a good parent.

  2. Definitely! I know a woman like that. She has taught for years, apparently quite well, but she treats her teenage daughter like c**p. This is what her sister says, and from what I've seen, it's true. The poor kid has no self-esteem because her dumbass parents are always telling her she's too dumb to do anything. It's really sad.

  3. i am a teacher and also a parent. my last child is my difficult one, i ask myself many days how i can get 20 kids to listen to me but i cant get my own 3 year old to listen to me...

    I dont however think i am a failure, my son was born at 2lb 7 oz and was given a 3% change of living~i just let him get away with alot and now i am paying for it. totally my fault!!!

  4. Absolutely.  I've worked with children for over 20 years, and the ones that are the most difficult to deal with, treat, or help, are those with a professional parent, especially if that parent is a psychologist, social worker, counselor, teacher, educator, or medical professional.

    Those professions often depend upon certain level of self-assuredness that becomes rigidity when dealing with one's own emotional relationships.

    It may help to think about how you framed the question.  How do you measure "success" in those two venues?  What about "success" is so important in a personal/intimate relationship.  Who is measuring that "success", and what direct evidence do you have?

    Good luck.

    Teaching a child is not the same as raising a child.  They involve many different skills, of course, but the basic point is that the relationship is different, as are the expectations, emotional reactions, and consequences.

  5. definitely was my first reaction.too.I know a woman who was a great teacher but she had two was mentally retarded from her way of raising him not because he was born like that he was told as a child to go collect bottles on the street he lived in the basement where his room was even had his dinners there...i remember him having an ashtray with butts mounted in it and a ring on the ceiling from the smoke his brother was an alcoholic and also lived in the basement and would abuse his brother..was smart but stupid if you know what i mean

  6. I agree.  I know for a fact people who can or are good teacher. There are plenty out there. They may feel empathetic to other peoples children but be much stricter on their own. You also have the teachers who feel that their children need to be successes. If they arent they feel it is a personal attack on their reputation or their character. So they are much harder and less sensitive to their own children.

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