
Can a person be ouvlating 12-14 days after having a miscarriage?

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I had a miscarraige a little over 2 weeks ago and I nocticed i had discharge. i am trying to get prrgnant again. does the discharge mean i am ouvlating?




  1. Yes!  It likely does mean you are ovulating.  Now, just to give the 'requisite warning', it is recommended by most doctors that you wait at least one cycle before trying again.  This is so that you have a chance to heal both emotionally and physically, and also so that if you do become pregnant, you can accurately date the pregnancy from your LMP.

    That said, I (unintentionally) became pregnant immediately after a miscarriage and am now 19 weeks pregnant with all going well.

    Good Luck!!  And ***Baby Dust***

  2. Your body  is cleaning out probably! But possible. I had my m/c june 8th and got my period July 13th!

    Its not healthy to try and get pregnant so soon. I had one in June like I said.. but after 2 cycles I am trying again.

    Be careful!

  3. I had a 5wk m/c on July 30th.  My doc had no issues with me trying again right away.  He said the body will take care of itself and since it's common to ovulate just a couple of weeks later, GO FOR IT! His only caveat was that I continued to take my vitamins and wait until I was emotionally ok with it.

    I think the conventional wisdom of waiting a cycle, or 3 for dating the pregnancy is going by the wayside with earlier and earlier ultrasounds being done. Basically, they're calculating due date from development at the first ultrasound at 7-8 wks now.

    If you're feeling ok, and you've got the green light from your doc go for it.

  4. You most likely are ovulating.  It might seem backwards, but women are often at their most fertile right after a miscarriage  Doctors recommend waiting at least one cycle to allow your body to heal, as well as allow yourself some time to heal emotionally.

    Since you say you are trying to conceive again, right now is a good time to do it, if you feel emotionally ready for it.

    Good luck!

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