
Can a person convert to catholicism if they don't believe in transubstantiation?

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Can a person convert to catholicism if they don't believe in transubstantiation?




  1. why would they want to be a catholic if they don't support its beliefs.

  2. Only if you don't let on you don't.  Belief in transubstantiation is one of the foundations of worship in the Catholic tradition.  However, in all honesty, I doubt there are many modern Catholics who believe in the Holy Eucharist in the way the catechism describes it.

  3. Oh Dear,

    Transubstantiation is essence mother of believe in catholicism, we believe that the bread and wine offered as sacrifice is transformed as same victim on cross of calvary. This is how work, the bread from human hand and wine with mixture of water is work and fruit of mother nature, as the host lifted and our faith re-affirm, the entire episode is alive.

    Its change people life. After receive and go back to your and pause for a moment, you can feel truly the peace of Christ penetrating, therefore if a person not believe in this transformation, not a believer of Christ.

    Because He himself has said "unless you eat my flesh and drink my blood, no union with me" St. John.  

  4. no, it's non-negotiable belief

  5. No, not really. Not if you want to fully embrace the religion.

    The Real Presence is a central tenet of the Catholic faith. Could you go through RCIA even if you privately didn't believe in it? Sure. But do you really want to join a religion whose main beliefs you don't actually share?

  6. Nope.  it is one of the core beliefs

  7. If you can't believe that god can do anything he wants to then why are you a Christian at all?

    You have to question your Faith in God and Jesus if you cannot believe that God is Omnipotent meaning that he can do what ever he wants when he wants.

    If God can make man out of clay then why cannot HE make Flesh out of bread, and blood out of wine? As Jesus himself said you have to eat my flesh and drink my blood and what better way to do that then in the last supper.

    It is essential part of ones faith in Jesus, Christianity. If you cannot believe that then you're not really a Christian. You are lacking in your faith that one part that is essential in getting not only raided up on the last day for judgment in order to go to heaven or go to h**l. But even Jesus said if you do not partake in my flesh and blood you have no life in you

    READ THE BOOK OF JOHN, it is all in there.

  8. Why would any one want to convert to Catholicism when it is a reformation of the original church in the Bible?

  9. You could, but what would be the point?

  10. Not really.

    At one point in the ceremony you will be asked to say:

    I believe and profess all that the holy Catholic Church believes, teaches, and proclaims to be revealed by God.

    Do not let this scare you, for you might want to investigate what the holy Catholic Church really believes, teaches, and proclaims to be revealed by God (instead of what some people might tell you incorrectly) before you make your final decision.

    With love and prayers in Christ.

  11. They can pretend to be a convert, and fool most people. And it's possible to not understand transubstantiation, and still be a Catholic. To be a Catholic, though, one must submit to God, and that means that when the church declares something IS, such as that Jesus is truly present in the Eucharist, then a true Catholic must obey: it's not necessarily a matter of understanding or comprehension, but a matter of trust. If you're best friend goes behind you and tells you they'll catch you if you fall, do you trust them? If you do, you believe. The same holds true for Transubstantiation.

  12. why would you want to convert if you don't believe in the eucharist, are you just winding people up.

  13. maybe and yes. why? because who cares to tell someone they are hypocrites? for roman catholicism is a modern pagan anyway. most of their doctrines were based on the cathechist book and not solely from the truth of God's Holy Words. to prove to yourself that it really a false, a deception from the devil is that read the Holy Words of God (KJVRedLetter) and compare the roman catholics beliefs, doctrines and rituals. it is more on supertitious way of believing. read cathchist slowly and look for yourself and then tell me if this cathecist is truly biblically aligned to the Holy Words of God. Like transbutation? where in the  Holy Words of God to eat and drink the blood of Christ Jesus everytime of partaking and breaking of the bread? that's totally deception from the father of lies the devil! For Lord Jesus said; Luk 22:19  And he took bread, and gave thanks, and brake it, and gave unto them, saying, This is my body which is given for you: this do in remembrance of me.

    Luk 22:20  Likewise also the cup after supper, saying, This cup is the new testament in my blood, which is shed for you.

    Luk 22:21  But, behold, the hand of him that betrayeth me is with me on the table.

    Luk 22:22  And truly the Son of man goeth, as it was determined: but woe unto that man by whom he is betrayed!

    That partaking is only a symbolic act in remembrance unto all things Lord Jesus Christ has done for us, but not to the point that we need to eat and drink His blood every now and then in order to feel His presence (this truly refuted by John 14:16; John 14:26-27 And also Matthew 28:20).

    Besides, Christ Jesus baptizes His followers with the Holy Ghost; Mat 3:11  I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance: but he that cometh after me is mightier than I, whose shoes I am not worthy to bear: he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost, and with fire:Mat 3:12  Whose fan is in his hand, and he will throughly purge his floor, and gather his wheat into the garner; but he will burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire.


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