
Can a person fake porphyria?

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If a specialists in this field states that this person does not have porphyria, and special tests were completed, what else could mimic this disease? Please help




  1. I think porphyria is sometimes diagnosed incorrectly as a mental issue, so apparently some psychological problems can cause similar symptoms.

    Physical stuff- Guillan Barre (sp?) or lupus or lead poisoning I think, I'm sure there are others. Porphyria is misdiagnosed a lot as something else entirely, so I think it must have similarities to a lot of health issues.

    I don't think you can 'fake' it to the point of being officially diagnosed with it really, there are medical tests that prove the diagnosis. I suppose a certain number of symptoms can be faked though?

  2. i do not no sorry,

    but you just added some advice on my question and i wasn't sure how to message you.

    Thanks, i will be looking into a urologist

  3. Some of it, maybe.  put in porphyria and mimic in the search engine.  I did catch a glimpse of Gullian-Barre syndrome being one condition that mimics porphyria (under emedicine/webmd but it looked like a link that costs money to read).  There are quite a few associations out there that may also have a list of similar conditions.

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