
Can a person flush meth from urine in 48 hours by using just water?

by  |  earlier

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can a person drink 2 gallons of water a day for 2 days and be clean of meth on the third




  1. Nope, now drinking tons of water does flush the system and does help take the drug out of your system faster but not that fast! Normally, it takes a month or so to have meth run through your system normally. The intake of water (like drinking it all the time) can help flush the drug out in about two to three weeks (generally). However, you have to be very careful drinking TONS of water can it also removes needed vitamins and such out of your system too so you will need to make sure you don't drink too much and to replace them.

  2. This is the only way I know of to pass a UA if you've used meth:

    Take 2 heaping tablespoons of baking soda and mix into a glass of water. Drink it about 2-3 hours or so before you will have to pee along with however much more water afterwards that end up totaling about 40 oz.. The important part is that after you drink the baking soda along with the 40 oz. of total fluid, you will need to pee once, then the next pee after that will be clean. The baking soda will neutralize the PH level in your pee which is how this method works. I used meth for years and luckily never had to take a UA and test this method, but this is understandably a hot topic in the tweeker community and I've heard this from many a tweeker who have claimed to have used it successfully.

    A friend of mine said that he saw a girl do a hit of dope the same day as her UA and used this method and produced a clean UA.

  3. No, use AZO's, but only for the first day because it turns your urine red/orange.

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