
Can a person get Saudi citizenship if they are married to a Saudi man, and still keep their home citizenship?

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Also how long does it take for a forgein woman married to a Saudi man to get Saudi citizenship?




  1. after 10 years you can apply.. and as for retaining your former citizenship, that all depends on the laws in the country you are citizen of..

    SaudiArabia required you give up your former citizenship, but having said this..

    American wives who take the Saudicitizenship.. They can get their American citizenship back (under the table that is).. According to Saudi's they are supposed to give up their Amerian citizenship, but the Americans give back the passport.. So you in essense have now dual citizenship..  

  2. Mintee gave you a 100% correct answer.

    If you are an American, go by Mintee's answer. Otherwise you have to check out if your country recognize dual citizenship.

    Take care.

  3. Actually, you can get the Saudi citizenship in less than 10 years if you are married to a Saudi.  The time frame is based on your long you've been married, how many kids you have together, and how long you have lived in Saudi Arabia.  I used to have a pdf file that outlined the requirements, but unfortunately it was lost when our old computer crashed, and I forget where I downloaded it from.

    However, the first step is to first get your marriage approved by the Saudi gov't, and that can take from 6 months to 2 years or more to accomplish.

    You are supposed to give up your old citizenship, but if you are an American citizen, you need to go to the embassy and sign a document that says you don't intend to give up your American citizenship.  The Saudi gov't will take your American passport, then you go to the American Embassy and get a new American passport.  And, I've heard from many women that the US is happy to replace your passport, so you shouldn't have any problems.  They also said that traveling between the US and Saudi Arabia with 2 passports is not a problem either.


    I found the pdf file.  Scroll down to page 9 for the part about wives of Saudi men.  Basically, you need to be married for 5 years and be a resident in Saudi Arabia.  If that doesn't apply, like you've been married for less time, then you can still get the citizenship if you meet certain other requirements.  I think you will see for yourself what case is suitable for you.

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